Trenger din organisasjon et inspirerende foredrag, strategisk rådgivning eller målrettet kompetanseheving?
Ole André Bråten kjennetegnes ved en omfattende og tverrfaglig tilnærming til sikkerhet, ledelse og organisasjonsutvikling. Han besitter en unik kombinasjon av praktisk erfaring og akademisk kompetanse innen konflikt- og krisehåndtering, organisasjonspsykologi, og sikkerhetsledelse.
Med en bakgrunn fra politi, forsvar, og arbeid med internasjonale organisasjoner som NATO og FN, har han utviklet en solid forståelse av hvordan komplekse systemer kan beskyttes og styrkes under press.
Hans ekspertise inkluderer strategier, teknikker og kunnskap som er essensielle for å håndtere utfordrende situasjoner, opprettholde effektiv kommunikasjon og fremme samarbeid. Bråten er kjent for å kunne navigere både det fysiske og det digitale landskapet - noe som gjør ham i stand til å beskytte mennesker og systemer mot moderne trusler.
International Keynote Speaker
With hours of collaboration across the world, the speakers at TM-forum were a team, not individual speakers. Ole was part of the team behind a digital masterclass for stunning 8000 attendees online!
The Digital Transformation World Series was awarded Best Digital Conference 2020 - and is one example of many virtual performances for the Norwegian advisor - covering the emergent topics of security, technology, resilience, change and transformation!
Follow on LinkedinEntrepreneur and innovator
Mr Braten has a background in consulting and innovation projects within the field of Crisis Management and Leadership. He has been lead on projects in regard to gamification of crisis management training, e-sports and artificial intelligence (AI) to public safety.
He has also contributed to the start-up scene with his experiences both as a crisis management expert and entrepreneur - like her for Google Norway as keynote speaker and workshop leader on a program for innovators, sharing a mindset of resilience.
Photo credit: Google
Keynote speaking engagements, advisory and cooperation
Ole Andre Braten is a a trusted advisor for justice & law enforcement, crisis & safety management, cyber security & national security, IT, media, sports, banking/finance, transportation, energy, process industry, telecom, insurance, healthcare, and the public & social sector.
His unique expertise and innovative approach ensure that your organization not only meets - but exceeds stakeholder expectations.
He is an academic author - specialist in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and experienced Management Consultant. In recent years, he has been involved in innovation and development in VR, AI, and other disruptive technologies.
Mr Braten speaks frequently on topics related to security, technology, work & organizational psychology, resilience, change, and transformation.