
The first edition of this book was written against the backdrop of July 22. After its publication, I was invited to the Government Quarter to prepare the organization to face similar threats. Since then, I have assisted businesses during various crises, such as hostage situations, threats against employees, fires, accidents, and disasters. I have advised leaders at all levels, across different industries and sectors.

They all shared a common goal: to be prepared.

In this work, I have seen how demanding investigation processes can be, while cyberattacks and digital threats, which are no less challenging, present entirely different issues.

What these diverse crises have in common is that openness creates security for everyone involved, whether reporting a critical situation or a potential digital attack.

One challenge is that most crises arise in situations where we do not see or understand the risk. Therefore, it is crucial to practice: the more we rehearse and train for various crisis scenarios that may occur, the safer we become!

The backdrop for this edition is a pandemic and an increasing frequency of cyber threats—something that, in many ways, represents a transition from acute to prolonged crises. Consequently, I have expanded the book to include more scenarios with new models, and, importantly, new insights tailored to tomorrow's unknown threats.

Oslo, August 2022
Ole André Bråten



Handbook of Crisis management (2. Ed.)

Effective crisis management is crucial for any organization. Individual assessments and actions play a decisive role when a crisis occurs and develops. Therefore, all levels of an organization must be prepared and trained in how to handle crises. Through mental training, stress management, collaboration, and effective leadership, critical events can be managed in the best possible way.

In the book, you will learn more about:

  • Phases of crisis management
  • Principles of crisis management
  • Preparedness and societal security
  • Crisis management and communication
  • Practical crisis and emergency management
  • Training of crisis and emergency teams
  • Staff methodology and crisis management for leaders
  • Crisis management from an organizational perspective
  • Planning, execution, and evaluation of exercises

"The Handbook of Crisis Management" was first published by Mr Ole Andre Bråten in 2013 following the terror attack on Norway in 2011. It provides you with the tools you need, both before, during, and after a crisis. The book is written for studies in preparedness and crisis management, as well as for leaders in business and the public sector. The 2nd edition (2022) presents expanded crisis scenarios and strategies for handling prolonged crises.

Available in Norwegian from Cappelen Damm Academic Press

Leadership Weekly

No leader can exercise good crisis leadership without having felt the high pressure that arises in a real crisis situation. Therefore, mental training is crucial, according to crisis expert Ole André Bråten. He has written the book "Handbook of Crisis Management," highlighting the importance of having a good situational understanding. — Ukeavisen Ledelse

The Leaders

Is it possible to train oneself to handle a crisis situation? Yes, claims organizational and leadership developer Ole André Bråten. With a background as a soldier and police superintendent, he has extensive experience dealing with crisis situations. He has now written a handbook on crisis management. — Lederne

Safe Societies

A well-trained team is characterized by having full focus on the current event and being able to act quickly. Situational understanding must therefore be anchored in the group as a shared mental model for handling the situation. Where this is established, performance and effective collaboration increase, Bråten emphasizes in his handbook. — Trygge samfunn


The Author

Ole André Bråten is an organizational and leadership advisor with 25 years of experience in conflict and crisis management at both national and international levels. He is an expert in developing high-reliability organizations and, since 2008, as an independent advisor, he has assisted organizations in various sectors including law enforcement and justice, crisis and safety management, cybersecurity and national security, IT, health and social services, education, and the public sector at large. Bråten has a background and education from the military and the police, with further specialization in industrial and organizational psychology from the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo (UiO). He regularly lectures and is a frequently utilized seminar leader and instructor.


My clients all shared a common goal: to be prepared.

Speaking engagements and consulting